Thursday, July 29, 2010


Chelsea you either have no friends to advise you or they are giving you bad advise. Darling, I know you are anxious and not wanting to be hounded by the press but this hat is an attention getter. It screams "I am a crazy rich person off my meds" or "I am checking into rehab for a little med problem". I hope you did not pay money for this crappy hat as it looks like something a street vendor might sell. This cone shape is just not flattering. if you want to go incognito then better to wear some fab large black glasses a la Jackie and a tantalizing Callanan hat. Anyway doll, break a leg on your big day. You'll be swell but if you need a great Callanan hat for the honeymoon for yourself or Mark stop by RHINEBECK DEPARTMENT STORE on Main Street.
Barbara will hook ya up.

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